• 100 movies of the 1980s

From Amadeus to Aliens, Blue Velvet to Blade Runner, epic blockbusters to dark sci-fi: the great movies of the 1980s were experimental and excessive. This compendium has the 100 most influential and successful films from the decade of mullets and shoulder pads—complete with glossy images, detailed plot synopses and trivia.

Código: 179905
EAN: 9783836587310
Peso (kg): 2,600
Altura (cm): 25,50
Largura (cm): 19,60
Espessura (cm): 5,00
Autor Jurgen Muller
Ano Edição 2022
Número Edição 1

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100 movies of the 1980s

  • Disponibilidade: Esgotado
  • R$480,00